As some of you may know, I've been debating cutting my hair for a while now. I'm bored with it. It doesn't look bad, but I don't think it looks particularly good either. I want to cut it all off. But every time I bring it up in conversation I'm met with indifference, disinterest, or, in Challenger's case, shock and poutyface. Even Amma, who has always preferred me with short hair wasn't encouraging. She said she thought it would look better, but was surprised that I wanted to cut it after having been so adamant about growing it out. So I haven't cut it. I think about it. Every time I get a check in the mail, I'm tempted to immediately drive to my hair dresser's and chop off all my hair. But I don't. Because I value the opinions of my family and friends, who aren't exactly excited about the idea. And because I'm worried Amma is right; that as soon as I cut it all off, I'll regret it.
But I had this dream this morning about cutting my hair. In the dream, my hair was much longer than it actually is. I told the hairdresser the kind of cut I wanted and in the dream, it was the same one I want now. The one Michelle Pfeiffer has in the movie Ladyhawke*.
But as she started cutting my hair, I got worried about upsetting everyone with my haircut, so I told her to leave it longer and instead do a reverse a line cut (where it's longer in the front than it is in the back), which is a less dramatic version of another hair cut option I've been considering; the one worn by Akima in Titan A.E.**. I've had a hard time finding decent pictures of her haircut, but here's a few that I've managed to find that don't completely suck:
So the hair dresser starts cutting away at my hair and the visual of long sections of my hair falling to the floor didn't bother me at all. But the hair cut she gave me... Oh man. What I wound up with was mutilated bob, neither what I originally asked for, or what I changed my mind to. It had awful, AWFUL, chopped up ends that reminded me in the dream of the way Dusty's fur looks. It was horrid-- both the haircut and the somewhat nauseated feeling I woke with.
So what does that mean? Psychologically, dreams are supposed to be reflections of subconscious desires or fears, right? Was that my subconscious telling me that I really did want a hair cut and if I try to please everyone, it'll make me feel and look awful? Or was that my subconscious telling me that if I cut my hair, it really will look as bad as other people (*coughcouhgChallengercoughcough*) are trying to convince me it will?
What should I do? Should I cut it all off and risk cutter's remorse and the disappointment of those around me? Should I keep growing it out and just ignore that tiny pull at my heart every time I get a check? Maybe I could do something with it to make it interesting, but still keep it long. Like Kida's hair from the Disney Atlantis***?
Suggestions? Comments? Other movie references?
*Excellent movie, by the by. One of my favourites. Action, adventure, romance, comedy; the whole she-bang. Plus, an adorably young Matthew Broderick.
**I love this movie; it forever holds a special place in my heart as my first SciFi movie going experience. It got awful reviews from everyone, but I loved it. It also has a pretty bitchin' soundtrack, but I lost my copy.
***I had a high school school-girl crush on Milo Thatch. What can I say? I'm drawn to the smart wiry ones.
I think that it was telling you that you're worried. Maybe even that you shouldn't try to please other people with your own hair...but what do I know? I didn't get my psychology doctorate and lets face it the bachelors was probably a load of crap :)
ReplyDeleteLove you. Always.