Phase one of dog grooming is complete and I feel like I've stolen my poor dog's identity. Except for about half of the summers of his life, he's always been a fluffy dog. And then today I took that away. This is not the first time he's been un-fluffy, but it is the first time I've un-fluffy-fied him. He's always been my big fluffy stoopid head, and it's a strange feeling to get him back from the groomers without all his fluff, but it's an even weirder feeling to know that the thing by which I've always identified my dog has been destroyed by my own hand. Yes, I know he's still the same dog. He's still my big, stupid lumper. Now he's just an un-fluffy lumper. And it's my fault.
So here's the results of an hour of me sitting on my dog and attacking him with scissors:
Yes, I know it's not the cleanest cut in the world (and I do plan on going back sometime in here and evening out some of the rough spots), but I think I did a pretty good job considering the only tool I had was a pair of scissors.
There he is; my non-fluffy lumper.
Also, in case anyone was wondering if orange fur is a good camouflage colour for dirt, I would like to submit the following into evidence.
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